
The goal of factoring was to explore the items that were more relevant for the target population and unobservable (latent) variables that are reflected in the observed manifest variables (Watkins, 2018). I have 40 variables and 234 participants.

The EFA1 (SPSS, PAF, OR) had 40 items, which combined into three factors. After the Empirical Kaiser criterion and screen plot, a three-factor structure would be an appropriate factor solution. Three factors that explain 35.8% of total variance (F1 = 17.4%, F2 = 12.4%; F3 = 6%,The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO)=0.76 𝜒²(780) = 2304.58, p < .001) The EFA4 yielded the expected 2 factors, which together accounted for 47.1 per cent of the variance in the 18-item set F1=30%, F2 =17.1%. KMO was 0,86. and Barlett’s test of sphericity was significant (χ2 = 1269.17, df = 153, p < .001).

Thank you in advance

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