How we can calculate long-term free cash flow growth rate??
In our experiment, some metal surfaces are exposed to radiation heat under high vapor gas pressure. I would like to ask if there is any way to calculate the boiling point for metals under high...
31 January 2021 249 4 View
I am working on two dependent outcomes, the first dependent outcome is 2 categories(yes/no). The second dependent outcome is 4 categories. I want to perform statistical analysis to see the...
03 December 2020 6,353 3 View
I am doing a binary logistic regression , the outcome is dichotomous the answer is yes or no, I have several dependent variables some of them are dichotomous and others are categorical. When I run...
30 November 2020 8,846 4 View
Hello, I have recently stumbled upon a couple of articles consisting of 'case-based review' as the title of their publication. May I ask how different is a case-based review compared to a case...
29 November 2020 8,732 2 View
Students lose out in terms of lab work, university experiences, and face to face interactions with lecturers due to this pandemic. So should students be compensated accordingly?
23 September 2020 2,224 13 View
There are many article options nowadays - primary research, literature review,mini review, commentaries, opinions, case reports, letters to editor and the list adds on. Are commentaries and...
23 September 2020 925 3 View
Most Covid 19 research do not have a large sample size (smaller than 100, some even smaller than 50), which is understandable since it is a very new field of research (less than one year), and...
16 September 2020 8,965 20 View
13 September 2020 1,093 22 View
Underlying health conditions that play a role in increasing vulnerability to coronaviruses and risks of higher mortality among young adults and children
13 September 2020 7,107 7 View
Hello. Is there a way I can run an Abaqus script on an ODB file only through the terminal? Because right now I have to open up the ODB file then run the script, but I'd rather stay in the terminal...
06 August 2020 1,769 2 View
What's the best way to measure growth rates in House sparrow chicks from day 2 to day 10? Since, the growth curve from day 2 to 10 won't be like the "Logistic curve" it might not follow logistic...
03 March 2021 1,401 3 View
Dear all, I just saw this example in FB on the difference between laminar flow and turbulent flow. The flow from a pipe hits the sink and scattered. The flow from the pipe is characterized as...
02 March 2021 1,999 5 View
during ultrasound examination of acute abdomen, sometimes we see free fluid , can we know the type of fluid ,whether blood or not , using ultrasound only? if yes , what are the sonographic...
01 March 2021 7,476 4 View
Hello Everyone. Currently I am working to characterize macrophages in the myocardium after ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats. Due to the low total cell number isolated from rat hearts I can...
01 March 2021 3,867 3 View
Hello, I spin-cast two different polymers onto wafers and measure their height as a function of initial concentration. For polymer A, I have the weight-average molecular weight (Mw) as well as...
28 February 2021 7,882 2 View
I have run a MD simulation of a ligand-protein complex in GROMACS using CHARMM forcefield. Reviewer has asked me to calculate Ligand-activesite distance and binding free energy of ligand with...
27 February 2021 4,703 1 View
I diluted siRNA and RNAiMAX in opti-MEM and added to the cells which they were in the growth medium. Is it a right way? or should I culture cells in the opti-MEM medium for a while and not in...
26 February 2021 10,041 3 View
Dear All, We are using Autodesk cfd to calculate the air flow in a single sided naturally ventilated room, where air flow depends only on buoyancy due to temperature difference between inside and...
25 February 2021 9,602 4 View
Hi, We culture neural progenitor cells in T175 culture flasks coated with PLO-Laminin. We have successfully grown these cells with our protocol for months. Recently, we observed large sheets...
25 February 2021 3,443 4 View
I am looking for a free software for text mining and sentiment analysis for my research on customer review mining (it involves calculating polarity of attributes,opinion oriented information...
25 February 2021 1,920 6 View