I have a series of mop-files that need to be run in MOPAC, however each should start when the previous has finished.  How can I do that? In windows it is written as:


REM How to run several MOPAC2016 jobs with one command.


REM Use the program "MOPAC2016 for all windows" version of MOPAC.

REM Do NOT use the program "MOPAC2016 for WINDOWS XP" - if you do

REM it will request a finish dialogue ("Program finished with exit code 0.

REM Exit Window?)


REM Use commands of the following type to run all the jobs.


call MOPAC2016.exe job1

call MOPAC2016.exe job2

call MOPAC2016.exe job3

call MOPAC2016.exe job4

Nevertheless, this does not obviously work in Linux

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