Hello all,
I am working with a protein X for which we are running an ITC (Isothermal Titration Calorimetry) experiment with a ligand ATP. When we have performed the initial experimental standardizations, we realize that HEPES (pH=7.5) but not TrisCl is the suitable buffering reagent for our experiment. At that time, we did not face precipitation.
As our instrument is a pretty old model (which requires large quantities of the protein), we are now terribly facing the precipitation of the protein while dialyzing against the Buffer (HEPES pH=7.5 50 mM, 250 mM NaCl, 5% glycerol). We are using a 2 mg/mL concentration at this step.
We would be very thankful for the kind suggestions from anyone who had a similar kind of experience or/and faced this problem before. Suggestions are welcome for the ITC specifically, we don't have to switch over to other techniques.