Our research group works with viral detection in human samples through PCR-based methods. We use to sequence the PCR amplicons to confirm the specific amplification of viral sequences in a Sanger-based platform (Applied Biosystems 3500 genetic analyzer). When analyzing the electropherograms generated it is common to observe degenerated bases (usually Ys and Ws) that seems to be not generated by errors in sequencing process, but to rather represent intra-host variability in the viral sequences.

This raised our interest in further investigate these candidate variations and search for possible active mutational processes, specifically we are interested in quantify the possible influence of APOBEC cytidine deaminases in generating these variations (by searching for mutations in APOBEC specific recognition sites, namely 5'-TC-3' over random candidate mutations). Is there any software, package or pipeline adapted for this analysis?

I've read about and downloaded the Minnor Variant Finder software (MVF, from Applied Bisystems), but it seems to be not suited for this question, once it was developed to identify low-frequency human variants and requires the parallel sequencing of a control sequence, which I don't know what could be in my case.

Thank you!

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