I'm having troubles to perform case-control permutation analysis in PHASE 2.1.1. PHASE documentation says that for this test, individuals should be identified by putting "0" or "1" for controls and cases, respectively, followed by space just before the individual's identifier. However, when I run the program in this way, the following error message appears: "Error in input file: more than 2 alleles at SNP locus. Individual = C; Locus = 1, Alleles are: #, L and C". My individuals are identified by #CICL followed by a number. The weird thing is that when a substitute "0 #" or "1 #" by "0#" or "1#", in other words, when I delete the space, the software reads the file normally, but do not performs the permutation test cause it don't identifies cases and controls in the file, but identifies individuals as a single group.
Does anyone already had this same issue and got any suggestion regarding input file preparation? There is some undocumented bug in this test? There is some restriction in the nomenclature of individuals that may be causing this problem? There is any other software option to perform this test after having all individuals' haplotypes identified?