To add significance difference to boxplot (interaction), you can use the following steps:
Load the ggplot2 and ggsignif packages in R.
Create a boxplot with ggplot using aes(x = factor1, y = value, fill = factor2) where factor1 and factor2 are the two factors you want to compare.
Add geom_signif(comparisons = list(c(“level1”, “level2”))) where level1 and level2 are the levels of factor1 you want to compare for each level of factor2. You can specify multiple comparisons in the list.
Optionally, you can customize the appearance and labels of the significance bars using the arguments of geom_signif, such as map_signif_level, symnum.args, tip.length, etc.
For example, using the iris dataset, you can compare the sepal length between versicolor and virginica for each level of petal width: