I am using an older version (4.5.4) of gromacs. I have restriction to use on my server as I could not speed up with a newer version as i failed to run mpi (which I would try in future).

I want to use TIP4P -Ice model which is not initially in this version. So I added the following

  •  New tip4p-ice.itp file for TIP4P -Ice,
  • New parameters in ffnonbonded.itp and
  • New atom type in atomtype.atp 
  • With this, do I need to add a new category to aminoacids.rtp ? . I read in the manual that when we use pdb2gmx, "charges" information is used from .rtp file ; mass information from .atp and force field information from .itp file.

    Since charges information for water is also listed in the .itp file (in my case  tip4p-ice.itp ) do I again need to add a new category in aminoacids.rtp  like SOL2 for this water ??

    Where is the charge information for a particular water model used form ? 

    PS: I am new n naive user of gromacs yet. Any input would be valuable 

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