My system has Water and a Gas (lennard jones) molecules.
I have water crystals (x) . I want to solvate it with liquid water (y) around it. I am using OPLA-AA force field apart from that. Both x & y are Tip4p water type
I create a box using editconf and keep my x crystal in it.
I use genbox command to solvate it with y water
Now I want to apply position restrain on x and not on y. I followed the answer in here ( ) by making a new tip4p2.itp file for y water with different [ molecueltype ] name as [ SOL2 ] inside it
I keep this .itp file at gromacs/top/oplsaa.ff folder along with other water .itp files.
A- When I use genbox -cs tip4p -cp XXX -p -o XXX........... command, new tolology file is generated but I do not get a new [ molecule ] name in new .top as SOL2. I get the same name as SOL with number of y added . Also there is no new "include" if statement generated as follows.
I go ahead and fix it manually. I write SOL2 and also add the above "include" if statement in topology file.
B- Now since i want to restrain only x and not y , I just include the following in my .mdp file
I do not include POSRES_WATER_2 . But still when i am running simulation, I get position restrain for both x and y .
Can some expert help me get some idea on how to troubleshoot it.
PS: I am new to gromacs so any idea/ information would be very valuables.