sub surface hard pan can affect crop growth directly by blocking root growth and expansion hence reduce water and nutrient absorption by limiting the volume of soil exploited by the roots. It can also affect crop growth indirectly by preventing drainage of water resulting in water logging and lack of oxygen to the root hence reducing its activities and overall plant growth and probably death of the plant. this water logging also modify the micro flora activity in the root zone that may affect negatively plant growth. It may also result in salinity built up due to lake of drainage.
It is very serious problem in new mangoorchads which planted on hard rock.where big pits were preapraed by blasting rock and above ground those were prapared two feet.on this context first few years grafts were perform well however,after few years sudden drying of big mango trees were observed. This is due to hard pan inhibits root growth, basalt rock affect drastically the root growth.
It is very serious problem in new mangoorchads which planted on hard rock.where big pits were preapraed by blasting rock and above ground those were prapared two feet.on this context first few years grafts were perform well however,after few years sudden drying of big mango trees were observed. This is due to hard pan inhibits root growth, basalt rock affect drastically the root growth.
Hard pan layers A compact layer of soil due to several factors, including heavy agricultural machinery, especially in sandy soils, which hinder the growth of roots make the roots grow horizontally and implement water and fertilizers away from the root growth area. In the field, green and dry areas of plants are observed and stunted to grow.
Hard pan affect root growth this may be depends on active root zone depth of the crop. hard pan need to defined which affect the root growth primarily on depth of root accures.however, the hard pan is up to 60, 90,120 cm depth or more than that for example in mango cultivation hard pan affect advesrly when it is 3 mt. deep.