
I have a question about the process of calculating the amount of solvent (in my case saline and HCl) which I should use to reach the concentration for Rat injection in my thesis research.

the drugs involved in my research are Scopolamine (for Cognitive disorder modeling) and Donepezil and Memantine (for treatment section).

I have problem about how should I calculate the amount of saline 7.2% and HCl I should use to dissolve each Drug.

For example, preferred Memantine concentration for i.p injection in our research is 20 mg/Kg, so for Rats with weighing 200 to 260 g (230 in average), the dose of 4.6 mg is suitable. we have 1 gram of Memantine. so how should I calculate so that in each 0.2 cc of the final stock of (drug+solvant), there would be the desired amount of drug (4.6 mg)?

any idea or reference for guidance would be much appreciated.

many thanks in advance.

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