There are many laboratory tests carried out on the blood before giving it to the patient to make sure it is free of the factors transmitted by the blood and the most important virus Aids and viruses that cause hepatitis ... as well as tests to determine the compatibility of blood given to the patient ... The blood transfusion is Of the decisions of the doctor supervising the patient .. The patient has the right to refuse the transfer of blood .. In serious cases, it is better to transfer blood .. Greetings
Refusing a blood transfusion is not an ethical . It is a personal choice. Physician/Doctor give a blood transfusion to a patient who refuses blood transfusions is ethical. if the patient says , I don't want this. This is a very simple ethical with a clearly defined solution. The solution is that a mentally competent adult patient has the right to refuse any treatment. Doctor have to obtain consent before doing as much as any treatment to patient . It is therefore unethical to provide a blood transfusion to such a patient against his will.
There are many laboratory tests carried out on the blood before giving it to the patient to make sure it is free of the factors transmitted by the blood and the most important virus Aids and viruses that cause hepatitis ... as well as tests to determine the compatibility of blood given to the patient ... The blood transfusion is Of the decisions of the doctor supervising the patient .. The patient has the right to refuse the transfer of blood .. In serious cases, it is better to transfer blood .. Greetings
If proper and adequate screening tests are performed, transfusion of blood and blood products are safe. Still there is a remote possibility that the donor could be in the "window period" of some infections which may not be easily detectable.
A person certainly has right to refuse blood transfusion. In fact world over, people belonging to "Jehovah Witnesses" group do not ordinarily agree for blood transfusion. Guidelines are available regarding the pre operative and post operative care as well as counselling of such patients. Autologous blood transfusion is an option in elective surgeries but emergency surgery is always a difficult situation.
Having worked and researched in National Center for Blood transfusion in Paris, i can tell that, in the countries where blood donation is motivated by free will and not by money, it is relatively safe, even if nothing can be done in case of threats such as proteins (prp-p), almost impossible to locate. The blood system, mixing up all the bloods same letter an industrial way, may favor the expansion of unexpected disease agent transmissible by blood, as it did in France with AIDS. But the main cause of concern is not even blood, but human plasma. There is a worldwide shortage because pharmaceutical industries uses large amounts. So human plasma turned a business. As far pasteurization (60°)seems the miracle elected way to secure commercially human plasma (Article Inactivation of HIV, HBV, HCV related viruses and other viru...
), USA felt authorized to collect human plasma for money, that way vampirizing the poorest. But OMC recommendations for minimizing prion's contamination are:
and even "It is intriguing to note that prions have been shown to retain infectivity even following incineration or after being subjected to high autoclave temperatures"
Article Current strategies to prevent transmission of prions by huma...
Is blood safe for transfusion? USA, through a Swiss society, sells its dubious plasma worldwide. If I had to go through a planned operation, I'll ask my own blood to be cultivated. Hospitals nowadays had turn into a major source of contaminations. It's largely because of hospitals' administration lack of reactivity, in front of multi-evolutive non-stopping creative life. New technologies and on-line hospitals with better planned visits should help and avoid over-crowding in hospitals, thus making them a safer place. But basically, hospitals are the places where human diseases concentrate and nowadays where they're born and grew up: it can't be a 100% safe place (but the morgues). The same for its by-products, such as blood. But blood transfusions, even when it was 10% safe, saved so many human life.
To me medical professionals are professionals. Professionals are the ones able to recognize their own errors and rectify asap. Saints are not needed in medicine.
directive or other like entity, a physician would be bound to save life absent explicit instructions from the patient. Determining what a person's explicit wishes are is a complex process to say the least.
Blood donation and transfusion are suppose to be safe once carried as per given guidelines and do following standard operating procedures but every transfusion is not 100% safe ,you can not avoid the allergic reactions due to foreign proteins.
It is ethical by low but in some religions it is prohibited.
It is known that red blood cells (the most important components of blood, which carry oxygen to all cells of the body) are regenerated almost every 4 months, where the old is eliminated through the spleen and some lymphatic tissue, and the new pumping produced by blood factories in the bone marrow located in the heart of our axial bones In the back, chest, etc.
The body stores about 500 ml of new blood as a strategic reserve in the spleen, mainly to pump it in the case of sudden loss of blood as in the case of bleeding, etc. When you donate blood, the spleen immediately pumps the reserve to compensate for what the body has lost, and replenishes the new blood in the following days. This is the secret of making a league donation every 4 months.
There are many laboratory tests carried out on the blood before giving it to the patient to make sure it is free of the factors transmitted by the blood and the most important virus Aids and viruses that cause hepatitis ... as well as tests to determine the compatibility of blood given to the patient ... The blood transfusion is Of the decisions of the doctor supervising the patient .. The patient has the right to refuse the transfer of blood .. In serious cases, it is better to transfer blood .. Greetings