I am assuming you want to design simple SYBR-green based assays and not multiplex assays with probes. And that you are interested in expression analysis. There are a lot of software online available, the one I prefer and used in my PhD studies was PerlPrimer (https://perlprimer.sourceforge.net/). It is reasonably straightforward in its implementation. Another decent option is NCBI's Primer-BLAST tool. You will need to follow couple of rules for primer design, i.e. for mRNA expression analysis I tended to prefer primers that span exon-exon junctions (which you can filter for in PerlPrimer). If you are doing SYBR-green based assay, make sure the annealing temperatures are similar between your reference and target gene(s). Prepare to have 2-3 primers out of 10 to not work (dimers, strange curves etc) with this route, but it is pretty cost-effective given how cheap primers are nowadays. For more complex assays (TaqMan, Scorpions etc), PREMIER Biosoft offers a commercial product if you have the budget (https://www.premierbiosoft.com/products/products.html).