once in my lab someone exposed AF488 to light for a couple of hours and we did not observed a reduced efficiency. It all depend on the light intensity and the exposure times.
I've left my AF488-labelled slides on an open bench for a few hours with minimal loss of fluorescence. One factor that you need to take into account is your mounting media - some have preservers in them to retain fluorescence - I've use Aqua polymount which has such properties... but mostly use Mowiol now and it's still good.
Of course, ideally it would be best to store the slides in dark - even if that means putting it in a drawer or fridge.
The best way to know is to look at it under a fluorescence microscope. Otherwise, AF488 is incredibly stable. I have exposed it to bright light just to see when it starts to fade. The flourescence did not fade even a bit after hours.