I work as a lab tech prepping university classes; I don't get a lot of opportunity to get some microbiology experience, and I thought I would take advantage of the extra down time we have since the semester was ended early.

I took on a little project of seeing what kind of bacteria are growing on my pet chinchilla. I do not know what the bacteria is.

I have 5 samples; 4 are gram-positive coccus bacteria and one is a gram-negative rod bacteria after doing a gram stain. The 4 coccus bacteria are circular colonies, ranging from white-ivory-orange. The rod bacteria appears to be a rhizoid colony that is semi-transparent (these were all grown on YPD agar plates).

I just followed the Qiaprep spin mini prep protocol where I used 2mL of bacteria to extract DNA. Because I am unsure what exactly the bacteria is, I decided to do the step where you wash the spin column with 500uL of Buffer PB.

What should my agarose gel and DNA sample that I load look like? I want to see if the extraction was successful.

This is my second attempt at DNA extraction for this project; the first time I ran a 2% agarose gel with sybrsafe at 180V for 40 minutes, using 6uL of a 1KB ladder and 1uL 6X LD/5uL DNA sample (extracted from 1mL of culture) and only got a single, extremely faint band. I thought maybe the sample was too little, so I tried it again at 3uL 6x LD/15uL DNA sample but got the same result.

I've been able to understand and kind of make my own protocol up till now; I'm proud of myself for doing a successful gram staining, considering it was my first time ever trying it (btw, neutral red seems to be an alternative counterstain if you have no safranin or fuchsine available). I just don't have a lot of experience working out these kinds of problems (hence why I'm trying this). Is there something I'm doing wrong here and how should I proceed to get a successful DNA extraction?

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