I want to do a pharmacokinetic study for oral administration of a compound. I calculated conc. vs time. I'm using R program with PK package for non compartmental analysis. With the batch design, I could get the pharmacokinetic parameters like,

- AUC to tlast (μg h ml-1)

- AUC to infinity

- AUMC to infinity

- Mean residence time

- non-compartmental half-life

- Clearance

- Volume of distribution at steady state

I have not performed intravenous route for calculation bioavailability F. In the above the parameters what can be used for oral administration. Somewhere I read clearance and volume of distribution can't be considered for oral administration. Further could some one help me to get the Cmax, Tmax with R program. I'm using Linux OS, R program only suits for me. I can't purchase Gastroplus, Kinetica, and other user friendly softwares.

Please help.

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