Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity call for different ways of perceiving the world, different approaches to sense and decision making, and different modes and combinations of leadership.

  • Administrative Leadership. Administrative leadership is the managerial approach followed by individuals and groups in formal roles as they plan and coordinate activities in standardized business processes to accomplish organizationally-prescribed outcomes efficiently and effectively.
  • Adaptive Leadership. Adaptive leadership is the informal process that emerges as organizations generate and advance ideas to solve problems and create opportunity; unlike administrative leadership, it is not an act of authority and takes place in informal emergent dynamic among interactive agents.
  • Enabling Leadership. Enabling leadership is the sum of actions to facilitate the flow of creativity (e.g., adaptability, innovation, and learning) from adaptive structures into administrative structures; like adaptive leadership, it can take place at all levels of an organization but its nature will vary by hierarchical level and position. (Uhl-­Bien, Marion, & McKelvey, 2007)
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