No specific number. I just publish the problems I have been able to solve within a year. I'm not driven by my institution's requirements actually, NO. My institution don't dictate the pace of my research.
No specific number. I just publish the problems I have been able to solve within a year. I'm not driven by my institution's requirements actually, NO. My institution don't dictate the pace of my research.
a successful evoluating researcher should look for himself about new challenges and opportunities to get during an academic year, in addition to her/his thesis chapters writings: in 2017-2018, I published many articles and made many symposium contributions
It depends on which post you are working as per Academic Performance Index (API) stipiluted by UGC norms, different score are required for different post. A minimum 3 research paper is sufficient to fulfill criteria.
Successful work and congratulations on the dissemination of research and the publication of research and in magazines that increase the prestige of the university
It is highly dependent on the working team and the personal conditions. Myself for example, I published 6 papers in 2017 (a year I moved to a new place and had low cooperation). However, in 2018 I have published 20 papers so far (See the attached photos) due to my active team members and wide cooperation.
Although personal activity and talents are very important for high publication rate, cooperation and team members have significant impact.
Generally, I would like to publish 1 to 2 good research papers per year in SCI journals that is also required by our university for the purpose of evaluating our performance.