Dear Researchers

For determination of psychometric properties of scale A with 50 five-point Likert item, I run EFA (sample size= 300). 14 factors extracted by eigenvalues >1. After rotation, the total cumulative variance explained by these 14 factors was 63.86%. % of variance in the first, second, and third factor is 11.66, 6.79, and 5.29 respectively. The total cumulative variance explained by these 3 factors was 23.75. Other factors (4-14) are % variance less of 5. According to idea of some methodologists, % variance for a suitable factor is more than 5%, in this analysis three factors extract (The total cumulative variance explained by these 3 factors was 23.75). Now, my questions: 1- What is your interpretation about “The total cumulative variance” (23.75)? On the other hand, what is interpretation when “The total cumulative variance” is too low? 2-

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