No hay datos efectivos en estado natural. Pero se sabe que en condiciones ideales de laboratorio los crinoideos pedunculados viven aproximadamente 10 a 20 años (parecido a las estrellas de mar) y muy poco se sabe acerca de los no pedunculados.
Some students in class were curious about that. I reviewed in several references and I have found data for other invertebrate groups, but for echinoderms not much.
In my paper in Palaeontology in 1986, on pseudoplanktonic fossil crinoids, I found growth lines on brachial plates that suggested that benthic isocrinids reached full size in just 4 or 5 years while the pseudoplanktonic pentacrinitids grew significantly faster and attained a similar size (arm length of about 10-15cm) in just 2 or 3 years. Download the paper at