I want to do ImmunoFluorescence technique. My target tissue are Chicken Duodenum and Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV). My questions:

1- How long (hours) can I keep Duodenum in Paraformaldehyde 4% to fix it? (Because the last time I kept over 1 week and even I could not get signal) (I used Sudan Black and antigen retrieval also, but didn't work))

2- Because my time point will reach Saturday and Sunday, and I am worried about over fixation, I read some paper that after (for example) 18 hrs fixation, people remove tissue from PFA and wash in cold PBS 3 times and put in PBS. it can keep sample for 2-3 days till before embedding, cutting and .....

3- Others paper mention that, after PFA, wash in cold PBS and keep in ethanol 70% till before present for embedding, cutting and ......

which one should I do ? I confuse with this.

Thank you

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