I need to systematise more than 6 decades of literature in a vast research field. Are there methods to search and systematise this vast material? Thanks for your help!
The gold standard for conducting a systematic review (i.e., the review done before a meta-analysis) is that established by the Cochrane Collaboration. See the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (http://handbook-5-1.cochrane.org/).
As mentioned above I would start by seraching the Cochrane or PROSPERO database to see if a previous systematic review or metanalysis already exist on this topical area. If not...then you can register your proposed systematic review there as well. I would suggest using a guideline/checklist for performing a systematic reveiw such as the PRISMA statement, IOM standards, or MOOSE guidelines. Hope this helps
Meta-analysis provides an opportunity to combines or integrates the results of several independent researches. It helps to draw a better conclusion regarding the concerned topic. As the conclusions drawn from meta-analysis are results of statistical procedures, they can be trusted to greater extent.
There are various examples of meta analysis, such as:
Continuities and Extensions of Ethical Climate Theory: A Meta-Analytic Review by Kelly D. Martin and John B. Cullen
Relationship of Core Self-Evaluations Traits—Self-Esteem, Generalized Self-Efficacy, Locus of Control, and Emotional Stability—With Job Satisfaction and Job Performance: A Meta-Analysis
My materials are a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods, so meta analysis is most likely not an appropriate way to call the literature overview.
As a first step, I would suggest you using bibliometric methods for mapping research specialties (in a specific field). Also, you can manage and organize your vast materials throughout 6 decades. The bibliometric methods can complement meta-analysis and qualitative structured literature reviews as a method for reviewing and evaluating scientific literature. For instance, you can perform a citation and co-citation analysis, thematic content analysis, identify institutions and journals through a very powerful VOSviewer tool (www.vosviewer.com), which can produce nice network maps. There are several recent papers on this methods that I can send you. Best regards, Wang