I am looking for ways to estimate whether my simulation has sampled for long enough and I came across the subspace overlap calculation (Hess, 2002) which compares the covariance matrices of two trajectories. If the two matrices are identical the overlap is 1 and if they are orthogonal the overlap value is 0. I've seen some publications that split up their simulation into two or three parts and compute the overlap. They also say that if they obtain a high overlap it means that it is unlikely that there are unexplored regions. Others say that a high overlap means you are sampling from the same energy minima and thus need to run longer simulations. So I am not very clear on how to interpret this. 

In case this is useful, I am simulating a wild type and a point mutant of a 35 residue intrinsically disordered protein for 2 microseconds in GROMACS. Each simulation was run twice with different initial velocities. The simulations are in explicit water. 


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