They are not at rest. The magnetism in itinerant systems originates from the electrons that are indeed delocalized. The energy between electrons with up and down spins is different such that electrons with let's say up spin occupy more states than those with spin down. What especially matters is the density of states at the Fermi energy. It decides together with the exchange energy whether there will be long range magnetic order or not. This difference in occupation of spin up vs spin down states creates a net magnetic moment regardless whether those states are localized or decocalized. What matters is simply N(spin up)-N(spin down). If this difference is non zero there will be magnetism. In the simplest model of itinerant ferromagnetism all this is quantified in the so called Stoner model.
Magnetic domain is a macroscopic object. It is an area with a magnetization. How does it matter if the magnetization arises from itinerant electron or localised one? The moment you have a magnetic body it has to divide itsels into domains to minimise the energy. The origin of the magnetic moment, be it ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic does not matter for the magnetic domain.