لدينا مثل يقال له التعلم في الصغر كالنقش على الحجر اي لا يمحى وبالتالي تعليم الصغار منذ الطفولة الاكل الصحي يجعلهم يعتمدونه كأسلوب حياة
We have such a small learning to be said as stone engraving, which is indelible and therefore teaching children since childhood healthy eating makes them adopt it as a way of life
الطفل كالصفحة البيضاء أو الزهرة الملونة بأطياف من البراءة. عندهم ميول ورغبات متواصلة ويحتاجون إلى الدعم الأسري والتعليمي والصحي وغير ذلك من مقومات الحياة مع تنمية كل ذلك في أنفسهم
I think they have to see role models in their immediate family and not to expose too much media... Let them play outside with supervision rather then keep them in doors with playing games on ipads, play stations etc.
Often children act in defiance of their parents. If they obey the established rules, this does not mean that they fully and consciously share them. Sometimes they just do it “out of habit”, “because everyone is doing it”. Sometimes, rejecting the instructions of parents in the "first youth", then, as they grow up, they come to similar principles, sometimes, when they are in a different environment, they begin to copy the type of life of new authorities. So if children blindly trust and repeat the lifestyle of their parents, this does not mean that they fully share it. In fact, they decide everything themselves, and one “example of parents” and teachings are not enough, they should see for themselves and the positive consequences ...
Bad parents think that society and school will do everything, good parents try to pass on their own recipes for life to their children, smart parents protect children from bad influences, but wise ones show the superiority of their recipes over media and "street".
Role model for children is parents, you develop good habit (say early in bed for sleep and early wake up in morning...)yourself, children automatically follow role model(parents),children learns very quickly,
Good habits have to be instilled in children from a very young age. Immediate family and teachers play an important role in shaping a child's mental and physical framework. Parents are looked upon as role models, therefore in a well knit and happy family we see children growing up into very responsible and successful individuals in the society.