01 October 2020 1 630 Report

Most of the pseudocapacitor materials do not show the perfect rectangular shape CV; but during the calculation of the specific capacitance the area under the CV curve is used for the calculation of the specific capacitance. The attached file corresponds one such examples, where fig. 1 corresponds to the area under the CV; in fig. 2 & 3, the area under the curve corresponds to the charge stored and released during charging and discharging process respectively. We see the area of fig. 2 and 3 are much higher than the area under the CV (fig. 1); therefore, my question is How far it is correct to consider the area under a non rectangular CV for for capacitance measurement. Should we consider the individual charging and discharging process while calculating the specific capacitance or or only the total area under the CV although the CV is non rectangular in shape?

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