16 Questions 21 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Deepak Sridhar
What is the easiest way to measure the PSD for GO/or Graphene/ CNT dispersion? Something quick and easy and cheap NOT by using SEM or other imaging analysis
27 October 2021 1,951 8 View
I have a liquid that glows when UV light is shined. However, when I use my phone camera I can't see the glow, I just see a violet hue. What is the best way of capturing the fluorescence-glow from...
03 October 2020 8,875 3 View
I am wondering what that ghost thick outline, which is around the carbon wire image which I have attached. I did prepare my sample in a different method (sonication-dispersion in Acetone- and...
12 January 2020 3,250 10 View
Determination of the Specific Capacitance of Conducting Poly... Answers to my questions: Carbon-nanofiber electrodes directly grown on a nickel foam ......
23 October 2019 2,027 1 View
Hello there, Often in the literature, monolyer charge density is available for metal oxides. For example; Ni(OH)2 monloyer charge desnity is 524 microC/cm2. For Ag, 2.10 C/m2 . But how is this...
05 August 2018 6,977 1 View
Hi there, Commonly known theory for the growth of carbon nano tubes/fibers, is that a metal carbide which is metastable is formed and then this carbide decomposes to form graphene layers and form...
28 February 2018 9,828 1 View
Say I have slightly different magnification images or say I used two different SEM devices which have different screens so the mag differs. But while preparing the report, I would like to have...
20 July 2016 6,532 3 View
P=E/t, or P=V2 /(4ESR).................... So will Rct influence the specific power ? And more over most activated carbon electrodes reported in the literature have Rct? Where did they get Rct...
17 April 2016 7,795 2 View
How to pick ideal AC and DC voltage for EIS measurements while testing supercapacitor? I understand that AC causes the perturbation for which I will be recorded by the potentiostat, but wha about...
16 April 2016 4,760 4 View
There will be no polarised solvent to act as dielectric. So what will act like a dielectric?
16 April 2016 4,944 1 View
We know charge transfer happens at the electrodes in a supercapacitor or a battery or in corrosion. But what exactly happens during charge transfer in a supercapacitor? How is this electronic...
15 April 2016 2,197 2 View
From the papers what I have read most people simply say that the capacitance increased with N doping. Main reason could be increased wettability (Depends on What type of N doped to Carbon). But...
13 April 2016 3,279 4 View
Both AC and Cblack are amorphous! Both are prepared in the absence of air at elevated temperatures(600-900C), and both have mostly SP2 and a bit of SP3 (I might be ignorant with this). Then why is...
12 April 2016 3,705 11 View
Hi there Are there any research related to petroleum sector and graphene based electrodes? regards
22 September 2015 5,104 2 View
There is a boatload of articles on Graphene and tube synthesis. However, I don't see a convincing mechanism on why only MWCNT is formed using the arc-plasma technique and not Graphene (single or...
01 January 1970 3,254 3 View
Answer to my own question, in my recently published article: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2020/ma/d0ma00023j Previously my question was: I have read quite a few articles on...
01 January 1970 7,751 4 View