CO2 Sequestration

[Isoplanes; normal gradients/vectors]

How exactly to deduce a system of isoplanes; and normal gradients, vectors and traces of the planes, in the three-dimensional space, in a CO2 sequestration application, associated with a deep saline aquifer,

(A) towards predicting the behavior of CO2 and brine?

(B) towards deducing representative pathways along which CO2 would most likely to travel in 2 or 3 dimensions (with reference to the resulting gradients)?

(C) towards predicting CO2-brine contact planes/surfaces?

(D) towards deducing the orientations of the planes of constant potential energy for CO2 occurring within the 3-dimensional space of the aquifer? &

(E) towards deducing an overall movement of CO2 that finds its way into leakage pathways?

Suresh Kumar Govindarajan

Professor (HAG) IIT-Madras


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