Higher Scientific technical level of country is positively associated with higher standard of living, example is G8 countries. Although many other factors play role in standard of living like population growth, geography and more.
Scientific Technical level is the bench mark of the development of any country. If we see the country with the scientific and Technical development are the developed countries. No country can be seen rich with these developed. You can show me exceptional about the rich countries Middle-East. Sorry to say that they may have much petro-dollars but there are not developed.
Scientific advances are never, in themselves, a guarantee of social benefit. Technology has to be treated as a servant of society, not a master. Increasing commercial productivity, while at the same time necessary, unemployment and poverty is not a socially acceptable solution. Science must be fully integrated with broad societal needs, but this tenet is not yet fully accepted
Higher Scientific technical level of country is positively associated with higher standard of living, example is G8 countries. Although many other factors play role in standard of living like population growth, geography and more.
Course, scientific-technical level of the country directly affects on the standard of living. The utilization of new energy sources; the development of genetic engineering; the development of informatics technology - all these trends accelerated development of economic, politic, cultural, scientific and others relations among people and nations of the world, which is all together reflected on local and global level.
Thank You, genius friends for Your original answers. I think that only in the conditions of a rational state, like the modern United States, which values scientific thought, can the best results be achieved. To this, the market must be freed from evil monopolists who can appropriate the achievements of science only to own interests...
But standard of living of people depends on many other factors also.
All people of a country are NEVER having same standard of living.
The richest country is having many very poor people and poorest country is having a few very rich people whose standard of living is related to their economic condition.