In contact with redox molecules in the electrolyte, can the conduction band of a n-type degenerate semiconductor such as indium tin oxide (ITO), be bent to such a degree that oxidation reactions are stopped (or significantly slowed down) because they fall into the bandgap region?

I made a sketch detailing (a) the band-energy model of TCOs and (b) band-energy model meeting the density of states diagram of a redox couple with high Fermi level and (c) with low Fermi level relative to the bulk TCO electrode.

I understand that in the electron transfer equilibrium, the Fermi level of an electrode equals the Fermi level of the redox molecules in the electrolyte, (given a sufficient concentration of redox molecules). Furthermore I understand that at high density of states (metals and degenerate semiconductors), the Fermi level becomes pinned in the conduction band (or at surface defect states)* [Book1: Norio Sato, Electrochemisty at Metal and Semiconductor electrodes; Book2: P. Schmuki and S. Virtanen, Electrochemistry at the Nanoscale]

But I cannot find explicit information about the expected behaviour of band edges in the situation of Fermi level pinning (my drawings are guesses), and whether the Fermi level at the TCO surface can be moved into the bandgap, preventing low energy redox-reactions on a TCO electrode similar to normal semiconductors. Any insights and references would be much appreciated!


* More detail: When the Fermi level is pinned, applied potentials are dropped across the Helmholtz layer in solution rather than a polarisation dependent change of interfacial charges (band edge level pinning).

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