I want to analyse the shape of data points from an image (see attached example), but since they include overhangs (non-continuous function = not to be numerically differentiated), I am not sure how to fit a curve to the shape. I want to do this in order to smooth out the curve, to increase the resolution along it, and to properly determine the maxima, minima and shape. A smoothing spline function is fitted to the example in the attachment. If necessary, I could live with losing the overhangs in the data due to the processing. Do you know how this kind of problem can be handled?


Thank you for the quick first answers. It seems some more explanaition is neccessary.

-> The data is not a timeseries, but a x,y shape I extracted from an micropscope-image via edge detection ond further modification (It's the edge of a biological cell). The points are indeed not well sorted; I did sort them by proximity, but there are still problems with a number of points.

-> By non-continuous I do not mean single points devided by a gap, but a series of points that cannot be described by one function (non-continuously differentiable). This is the reason why I ask for help in the first place. Otherwise fitting etc. would not pose a problem.

-> I would like to evaluate the hight, width and shape of the individual bumbs and their periodiciy.


Thank you again for your input! I attached two more files: An Image and a table with the (non-scaled) data points for the below curve. (I had to attach it in a seperate response, see below).

It became clear that there is no reliable trick to handle this path as a 1D non-continuously differentiable function y(x). Instead it must be handled as a 2D function x(t),y(t) [t not beeing time but a randomly named variable for fitting purposes]. There still is the question of how to fit and evaluate a non-sorted 2D path best. The ongoing research this analsis problem arose from is not directly relevant to this question, but here are a few notes to give you a better impression of why the path looks as it does:

-> The shape represents a cut through a cell. As such there is a a "natural" up and down. To indicate that, I couloured the area under the curve green in the newly atached image.

-> All small features of the curve are artefacts of the edge detection and data handling procedure. They are not relevant and I would like to filter them out in the fitting process. I indicated this by the free-hand line in red that I inroduced to the attached image.

-> The "ovehangs" in the cell shape are the real problem here (but they are real in the biological samples). They prevent a proper 1D frequency analysis.

-> The points are not well sorted and not equaly spaced, since they simply represent pixles from an edge detection algorithm.

-> The cell shape and some other influences were already filtered out in the path discussed here.

This is just an example representing various large data sets with different shapes.

Thank you!


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