Environmental stresses such as heat or cold shock can affect mitochondrial electron transport systems at multiple valences. If the effects of multiple adaptation pathways exhibit interaction, then deconvolution of particular causality may prove challenging.
But in a simple scenario, a homeothermic organism may increase expression of an uncoupling protein, a transmembrane proton transporter, which allows for dissipation of the proton gradient without concomitant biochemical work (i.e., ATP synthesis). In the absence of concomitant requisition of energy for ATP synthesis, the energy released by proton transport is dissipated in the form of heat. Depending on the expression level of the uncoupling protein, the relative activities of the inner membrane complexes (I, II, III, and IV) may or may not vary when compared to a non-cold stressed state. In contrast, Complex V (ATP synthase) would be expected to be less active since the proton gradient would be getting partially dissipated by the presence of the uncoupling protein.