I'm setting up oligomycin sensitive activity assay by using spectrophotometry to observe decrease of OD 340 which represent usage of NADH.

In the experiment,

I assayed (1) solubilized mitochondria(solz.mt)

(2) solz.mt + oligomycin(O)

and (3) with out solz.mt.

After sometimes of optimization, I come to the tricky part of the assay. What's happening is that, in case (2) and (3) I got the constant rate everytime I perform the assay by which (2) is about 10 times over (3). But, (1) is varied each time. Sometimes it's double of (2) and sometimes it's less than 1.5 or equal to (2).

On the whole, I guess I may be encountering mitochondrial isolation or solubilization problem.

Here is the protocol I used to isolate mitochondria:

Firstly, I separated LCL from 20%FBS RPMI then washed with PBS by centifugation at 1,500 rpm (appx. 530xg) for 10 minute. LCL was then resuspended with isolation buffer(MSM, 1mM EDTA;MSM-E) 200 ul and sonicated by probsonicator MS73/D, 40 cycles, 13 seconds.

After adding more 800 ul MSM-E, solution was centifuged at 700xg for 10 minutes to separate intact cells, cell membrane, nucleus and large particle from mitochondria.

Mitochondria were then centifuged at 20,000xg for 30 minutes. After that, I resuspended mitochondrial pellet with MSM-EB(0.4%BSA in MSM-E) and cetifuged at 20,000xg for 20 minutes. Then I washed EDTA with EDTA free MSM and centifuge at 20,000xg for 10 minutes.

After poured out solution left in the tube, I resuspended pellet with MSM left in the tube by pipette mixing.

Mitochondria were kept on ice and will be solubilized prior the assay.

Here is how I solubilize mitochondria.

In the assay, I use solubilized mitochondria at concentration of 1 ug/ul.

To solubilize 100 ug mitochondria, I added mitochondria to 20 ul sodiumcholate.

After tapping the tube for less than 10 seconds, I immediately added KME buffer to make up volume at 100 ul.

Solubilized mitochondria were kept on ice during the assay.

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