I'm trying to purify a protein using HIS-select Ni-affinity column (washing with 25mM Tris pH7, 0.3M NaCl, 10mM imidazole and elution with the same buffer + 250mM imidazole). The protein (pI= 8.3) becomes cloudy/precipitated within 4 h of dialysis into Tris buffer + 0.1M NaCl. (I dialyze immediately after elution, and ptn conc reaches 4 mg/ml) The amount of ppt is less and I remove the supernatant, but the protein still precipitates on storage and gradually loses activity. The protein forms a little ppt at any pH (5-7.5), so it possibly could be the imidazole that the protein is not happy with. Can anyone suggest practical ways to elute the protein without imidazole? (I've read about using histidine/low pH etc, but couldnt find actual protocols where these methods have been used).