This might be a very basic question, but I am looking to obtain a clear solution to a problem that I am encountering while performing MTT assays.
So, my experimental layout is like this:
Blank cells - The outermost cells (periphery) in my 96 well plate is made up of media only
Control cell - I have control cells comprising of cells+media only
Test cells - I have sextuplicates setup per drug concentration - with 9 different concentrations, excluding 0 concentration. These cells contain cells+drug in DMSO vehicle+media
Vehicle control cell - I have individual vehicle control cells, where DMSO is added at exactly same concentration as the drug. So I have 9 different concentrations of DMSO as well. These cells contain cells+DMSO+media.
The cells are seeded on Day 0. Drugs are added on Day1 after changing media. MTT assay is performed on Day4 and solubilization is performed using DMSO.
The problem that I encounter is - DMSO is less toxic on my cells as compared to the drug being used. Hence I get a relatively high absorbance for my vehicle control cells as compared to my test cells. Subsequently, I get negative values for my test samples, if I attempt to control them with the vehicle control. I hence needed to understand very clearly - (a) how do I effect the impact of vehicle control on my cells relative to the drug treated cells? (b) Please provide clear calculations for my understanding (c) If you find my entire procedure/part of the procedure to be faulty, please recommend changes.