01 January 1970 0 661 Report

Hi everyone,

I just did the experiment of extraction lipid from liver by using chloroform:methanol method. However, I can't get the clear liquid at the last step: "add 1ml 1% tritonX-100 in CHCL3 and dry down in N2, then add 0.5ml dH2O, heat 5-10min, vortex".

After I dry down in N2 (30min - 1h), I could see a clearly withe cloudy at the bottom of glass. And when I followed the protocol, the white cloudy things can't be dissolved in the dH2O, even in the black control glass (there is no lipid in it, just 1ml 1% tritonX-100 in CHCL3).

I try to extend the time of dry down in N2, and the time of heat. But the cloudy still there in black control glass. Have you ever meet this situation? How should I do?

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