I am not sure this is the answer you are looking for, but I have collected a lot of data from classrooms. My experience is that pupils and students can deliver excellent data by themselves. I usually ask my pupils or students to answer, in writing or oraly, the following three (Inspired by Trude Slemmen): 1. Write down three things you have discovered/learned this lesson. 2. Write down two things you felt were difficult to understand. 3. Write down one thing you would like to know more about. With this type of data I prefer to use a grounded theory strategy. I can recommend the book written by Kathy Charmaz »Contructing a grounded theory». (There is a newer version that is equally good). I have also been inspired by Marit Hartviksen. Put very simply you can go through your data with two basic analytic queastions: 1. What catches my attention as I am reading (put a yellow mark on every sentence that catches your attention - similat to altas.ti or a word cloud)? 2. What emerges through the reading of the data? Charmaz points out that you can invite spesialists to do the same and compare what you find. I did parts of the analysis in my Ph.D. in a similar way.
When I did my thesis I used observation in my study case.
This chapter was very usefull to do it.Chapter Collecting data through observation
Observation is used in the social sciences as a method for collecting data about people, processes, and cultures. Observation, particularly participant observation, has been the hallmark of much of the research conducted in anthropological and sociological studies and is a typical methodological approach of ethnography. It is also a tool used regularly to collect data by teacher researchers in their classrooms, by social workers in community settings, and by psychologists recording human behaviour. (Marshall & Rossman, 1989, p. 79).
We have a checklist of students’ performance under different headings ranking from 1-4.
As per students learning process we circle the numbers and then do the necessary calculations.We write comments for any specific point where it is needed.Focus on stufents’ learning not on teachers.