I would like to know how the way to adjust speed of spin coater, in resulting thickness of PEDOT:PSS around 30 nm. if anybody have any experience with that, it will be my pleasure. Thank you
Adjusting spin coating speed to get required thickness is not trivial. Many factors affect thickness, i.e. solution concentration, substrate type and roughness, etc. It is good idea to start with speed >5000rpm and check the thickness. Targeting such thickness with good homogeneity, one coating cycle should be enough.
Well, that is a tricky one. Too many things can affect PEDOT thickness. If you are using Heraeus Clevios™ P VP AI 4083 PEDOT (has a viscosity of 5-12 mPa s with PEDOT to PSS ratio of 1 to 6) then you will also need to have a hydrophilic surface to get thickness around 40 nm when spin coating speed is 5000 rpm. Moisture of the room and temperature and also your spin coater ventilation can all affect on thickness and uniformity of your PEDOT film. Let's just say, you have to create your own recipe using try and error until you can find your conditions. Just keep in mind, you cannot decrease thickness of PEDOT as you want after specific rpm. Usually, it reaches its minimum thickness after 5000 rpm, then no more thickness decrease with rpm increase. To go thinner after your rpm limit, you will need to dilute PEDOT with water or IPA. I would prefer IPA.
To choose the right spin-coating speed to get good films with a special thickness is depending on many factors - as the guys mentioned right before. It is especially depending on your spin-coater, your PEDOT and your substrate (and how you treated it before, i.e. plasma etched or not).
For our geometry (a special structure) we start with 250rpm and a low ramp (5) for 5s, increase speed to 2500rpm at higher ramp (10) for 10s and finish with 3500rpm at high ramp (100) for another 5s. Afterwards we heat the devices at 180°C for 30min. Then we have a device with a homogeneous ~35nm layer of PEDOT on top.
So you can also think of starting with a slow spin speed and increasing it heavily.