In the first place, this question is not about encoding, or feature representation. We are aware of the important role given to object features in various visual scenarios. It covers a wide spectrum in vision that at least includes, salience maps, object relevance, eye movements, attention process, fixation, etc. It is really a hard problem!! of not encountering some form of feature-based visual model. Although, with exception of our recent research proposal, Entropy Driven Deep Learning, attempting to introduce an alternative view. Let us, get back to the challenging dilemma of characterizing object features, thus enable to evaluate its contribution to system objective(s). Hence, we may characterize features by the contribution. Then, other immediate problem arise that concern how to encode feature contributions and characterize features as separate entities! Well, it seems the feature evaluation is a problem especially in proactive vision. As well as higher cognitive visual processes such as perceptual organization.We are addressing the problem in our ongoing research proposal. Your response to the posed problem will help many research works including ours.