I have downloaded complete protein sequences of some bacterial genomes in March 2014 from following NCBI FTP site,


I had a list of NCBI GIs which were accessible in the on-line NCBI interface (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein) till mid of 2014, but now when I search them on NCBI, an error appears stating "Record removed" with no reasons. The page provides me a link to obsolete version, but not to updated version which I actually needed. Few of those GIs are;




NCBI Help Center provided me the reason that NCBI has updated its FTP site in August 2014. They have also modified FASTA format with NCBI-GI removed from the header (see following NCBI News)



In this scenario, I needed to repeat my analysis with new genomes. So that other people can access my published results.

My question to NCBI users is that how they tackle such situation ? Has anyone else encountered same issue as mine ?

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