I have been resuspending protein isolated by Trizol reagent in 1% SDS and storing at -20 degrees C. But everytime I need to use the protein for quantification, electrophoresis, etc., I need to heat it to 50-60 degrees C for 20-30 minutes, for the protein to dissolve. It again reprecipitates at room temperature. I'm afraid it would degrade upon repeated freezing, thawing and heating.

Moreover, during protein quantification by Bradford reagent (Bio-Rad protein assay), the reaction solution turns green instead of blue, and even the control with just SDS added without the protein, gives OD comparable to that of the protein samples. But the reagent manual says it is compatible with 0.1%SDS (final concentration).

Does anyone have suggestions for a resuspension buffer that would not keep throwing protein out of solution, and not also interfere with the quantification assays?

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