I am confused with the readings of my loadings, as they are so small and so close to each other. I cannot identify the components, what could be the possible solution?
Loading is r of the item on that component. First, you obviously used principle component to run the data that will inflate the variance explained and should use principle axis instead. Second, you should see the scree pot to decide which rotation you should go. Without rotation, those numbers do not make sense. Third , after the right way of anslyse and rotate, each item‘s loading (r) will make more sense and choose 0,3 as a cutoff point ( but I saw some researchers choose higher r to 0.4) and delete the item with cross loading (0.15). last, you should see eigan value plot to decide how many component( factor) makes sense definitely not 11 factor ( subscales) but see the elbow in the graph To test run+-1 factor. Othwise, there may not have any item loaded on 11 component. Hope you got it because this is at least 3+ hour of teaching.