I am making some plasmid constructs via Inverse PCR and T4 enzyme ligation.
I started with a plasmid that housed nucleotide sequences for two fused proteins. My goal was to cut out the nucleotide sequence for just one of the proteins.
For my Inverse PCR primers, I designed the forward primer to be at the beginning of the desired protein. The primer was 35 nucleotide long
I designed the reverse primer to be 34 nucleotides long. It included the vector sequence just before the undesired protein.
After amplification with inverse PCR, I ran the sample on the gel and if the band was correct, I purified the DNA from the gel.
I then added I 2ul ligase buffer and 1ul T4 PNK and incubated it at 37C for 30 minutes. Then I let it sit at room temp for 5 minutes before I added 1 ul ligase.
Then I left it at room temperature for a few hours and before I stored it in 4C overnight.
I have done this process before and it has worked for me. However, I keep running into an issue where I continually have a one nucleotide deletion right at the site of ligation.
For example,
If I want this sequence: ATGCAC
I will get this sequence instead: ATCAC
That "G" is right at the junction. For some reason, it continually gets deleted during ligation.
I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to prevent this from happening? Maybe there is something wrong with the procedure that I am using to ligate?