I used to do polarization measurement to obtain corrosion current. Now as I switch to dilute solution, polarization curve needs to be corrected to eliminate the effect of solution resistance, which can be tricky due to the occurence of overcompenzation. So I am thinking about using linear polarization measurement (10mV around corrosion potential Ecorr) to obtain polarization resistance. And use the following expression to obtain corrosion current: Icorr=B/Rp now the barrier is that I don't know how I can determine B. I do corrosion testing on the same material using different concentration of salt concentration, 3.5wt% NaCl, 1000ppm NaCl, down to 1ppm NaCl (Rsoln>20kohm in my testing cell). Is it reasonable if I assume B value remains the same when the salt concentration is reduced?