I will appreciate it very much if someone can help me with the following problem. I am testing whether the effect of my key independent variable (mother's weekly work hours in 3 categories - 0, 1 and 2) is different for each developmental stage of the child (3 categories - 1- early childhood, 2- middle childhood and 3- adolescence). This is a panel design (fixed-effects) but this should make no difference. 

In stata I use the following command:  xtreg dep_var devstage##moth_work, fe

Before that I set the reference category for mother's work hours to be the middle category (which is 1 in my case). In case I don't specify a reference category stata just picks the first one but it drops it in the main as well as in the interaction effects "because of multicolinearity". 

You can see the results in the attached file. The interpretation of the main effects I think is clear but not the interaction effects. What is my reference category for the interaction effects in my case? Why there are so many combinations missing (there are only 4 coefficients while 3x3 =9? How can I interpret the coefficients of the interaction terms which are in the apposite direction compared to the main effect of the key explanatory variable? Or maybe I do something wrong?

Thank you for your help! 

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