12 December 2015 15 164 Report

I'm working with Nigeria DHS 2008 data (complex survey data) and I'm using the data analysis software available through my school  (StataIC 13). I have a large number of 'not-applicable'. I'd initially re-coded them as missing, but then ran into trouble trying to explain why I had such a large amount of missingness and still was not using multiple imputation. Because of this, I'm having a hard time describing my sample. It's also complicated by the fact that of the 33,385 women interviewed, I'm actually only interested in the married women (23,954 women) so I have to specify a sub-population in addition. When I run my logistic regression model, I end up with about 15,449 observations instead of the 23,954 I expect. I'm guessing it's because of the 8021 not-applicables but I don't know how to deal with this. (1) Would 15,449 be my sample size then, instead of the 23,954 married women that I specified? (2) Do I try to address the NAs after I have weighted and specified my subpopulation (svy, sub pop:) or is this something I would need to handle before I weight my data and specify my subpopulation (i.e., married women). (3) How do I deal with the not-applicable since I have now found that re-coding them as missing is not the way to go. (4) Would I still include the NAs as part of my sample size?  Thanks in advance for your help

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