Hello everyone,
For the first time I will be working with different enzyme to hydrolyze pea protein. I need to establish which ratio Enzyme: Protein (in %). I have read a lot about enzymes and their activity units but I have still some questions, I hope you could help me.
1. Is this Enzyme Activity specific for the substrate that the companies used for the calculation? In the enzymes I have, there are different units written such as the normal U/mg, and these others AU-A/g, Kilo Novo Proteinase Unit (KNPU)-S/g, Leucine Amino Peptidase Units per gram (LAPU/g), BAEE U/mg
2. If the first is true, can I calculate the enzyme concentration (%)/protein considering the Enzyme Activity (written in the enzyme commercial bottle)? Or is it necessary to calculate the Enzyme Activity in my substrate (pea protein)?
3. The bigger the Enzyme Activity (U/mg) the less amount of enzyme I need?
4. Does it even make sense to consider the Enzyme Activity or can I just establish a concentration for my enzyme (%)?
Thank you everyone in advance