I have continuous measures (n, mean, standard deviation) and counts (n, proportions) that I would like to analyze using a meta analysis. However, rather than comparing these studies to a control group, I would like to compare to normative data. I am using the R metafor package.

For the continuous outcomes (n, mean, standard deviations), the normative means are 100 with a standard deviation of 15. I do not have a sample size associated with the normative data. For the proportions, we have normative data as well. Would anyone be able to provide a suggestion or reference for how to analyze.

For the continuous outcomes, was considering transforming the study mean and standard deviation values into z-scores using the normative means (100) and standard deviations (15):


z_studyMean = (StudyMean - 100)/15

z_studyStandardDeviation = StudyStandardDeviation/15

Thanks for your assistance.

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