09 March 2015 3 383 Report

I have performed a gage analysis using standard sample size of 30 parts, 3 operators and 3 repeats. The result from Minitab is attached.

The 95% CI was calculated separately using modified large-sample (MLS) method* for two-factor balanced random ANOVA (crossed) model. The total gage R&R (a) = 0.00674 (95% CI: 0.00484, 0.04732) and the part to part variability (b) = 0.17594 (95% CI: 0.08250, 0.59008).

I will like to obtain the %contribution which is (a/(a+b))*100. The point estimate for %contribution is 3.6895% ~ 3.69%. How do I calculate the 95% CI for the %contribution?

* as described in Design and Analysis of Gauge R&R Studies: Making Decisions with Confidence Intervals in Random and Mixed Anova Models by Richard Burdick et al.

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