SUMO can be used to create a MAP for your VANET network. There are two solutions to link SUMO and NS3: either offline (create trace file from the mobility of SUMO to be used by the Ns2MobilityHelper within NS3) or online (use iTETRIS or VSimRTI which combine SUMO and NS3):
This Paper can help you in which I proposed a new solution for VANETs based on the Named Data Networking:
NetSim has source codes of all the algorithms and protocols that are implemented. Each is available as a separate source code project in Visual Studio. VANET network involves different protocols in different layers of the device network stack.
DataLink and Physical Layer - IEEE802.11(P), IEEE1609
Additional source code projects:
Mobility Models and SUMO integration - Mobility
Network Layer routing - DSR, AODV, ZRP (OLSR)
Power Model - BatteryModel
Network commands and SDN - CLIInterpretor, SDN
SUMO interfacing python scripts - and in the installation directory
You must create a new workspace before attempting any new code changes. Then based on the functionality you want to implement, you can choose the respective source code project. NetSim comes with inbuilt interfacing with SUMO. This can be customized further by using TraCI API's which gives access to running traffic simulation for retrieving values of simulated objects and manipulating their behavior "on-line". See this link for a related example:
Thank you for your answers. All this information was very helpful. I was wondering if it would be possible to modify such as vehicle coordinates, velocity, etc in SUMO based on certain criteria in NetSim. For example, based on the PDR or Throughput in NetSim the device speed should be controlled in SUMO.
This is possible using the Traffic Control Interface (TraCI) APIs for interlinking road traffic and network simulators.
Rather than generating mobility traces that are fed to a network simulator as static input files, the online coupling allows the adaptation of drivers’ behavior during simulation runtime. This means the mobility patterns are not pre-established as fixed trace files. Instead, the traffic and network simulators are connected in real-time by TraCI thus enabling the control of mobility attributes of each simulated vehicle.
What is described above can be done with NetSim, but requires some custom coding. Example code and documentation is available at
Me and my team were doing a similar project, so I would just contribute to the above comments with this link:
These instructions really helped us and boosted our project to the significant level.